Here’s why you need a break
This post will be a bit different from past blogs.
I always want to ensure that Measure Meant focuses on the issues that matter; as a business dedicated to sustainability, there are a seemingly endless number to talk about. They’re also topics that we’re passionate about. As people, we want to do good things for the world. We want to help.
But there’s also fatigue. If you’re reading this, you’ve probably felt it. Articles telling us, Covid-19 numbers are up again. Racial injustice continues. There was a new oil spill.
It’s overwhelming. Nothing in our species’ 200,000 years of existence has prepared us for the world we live in today. Many of our ancestors lived in tiny communities and forged bonds with only a small number of people. Some never left the area they were born in. Now, we are connected with thousands of people and confronted with hundreds of issues. We also have little control over many of these issues. We read, donate, and teach our children. But progress happens slowly, and there’s so much to be done.
I want you to give yourself a break. And I want you to be kind to yourself. Summer is ending, probably one of the most hectic summers in a long time. But you’ve made it. Take some time for yourself. Spend a day, or a week with no news and no social media. Maybe spend an afternoon in nature. Or read a book, just for fun.
It’s incredibly important to be informed, it’s the first step toward progress. So much good has happened because enough people read that article, clicked that Twitter post, or spoke up and were heard. But to be fully engaged, we need rest. You can’t be there for others if you’re not there for yourself.
Take care, we’ll see you next week.
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