CDP Reporting
Whether you’re looking for a competitive edge or desiring a third party perspective on important data, CDP Reporting is rapidly becoming an essential part of doing business. Investors are asking for companies to disclose through CDP, and companies, including the majority of the top publicly held companies in the U.S, are asking for members of their supply chain to disclose through CDP as well. CDP reporting frameworks distill your sustainability or ESG program, your progress toward goals, and the meaningful impacts you’ve made during a set time period into a usable format for internal and external transparency.
When Measure Meant does CDP reporting, we work closely with you to facilitate data collection, to draft narrative descriptions of your practices and context for the assessment, and to hold you accountable to get the data together on time for CDP’s deadlines. We can help you track data for the first time, or create systems for ongoing tracking, especially for climate data (Scope 1, 2, and 3 Emissions).

CDP reporting frameworks can often be a starting point for a larger sustainability strategy, and they take a steady hand to maintain. You will need to keep up work and show progress each year in CDP’s questionnaire. As part of every engagement, we aim to build your internal capacity so this investment keeps working for you long after the scope is complete.