The Need

The TREAD Map app generates sustainable recreation tourism by connecting recreation managers, user groups, and business communities with local and visiting outdoor enthusiasts. As the app prepared for a statewide launch, TREAD needed an approach for engaging stakeholders statewide and establishing relationships that inspire collaboration.

The Work

We interviewed stakeholders and researched best practices for designing resilient networks that drive collective impact. Then, we created a consulting framework that provides the structure for engaging and onboarding stakeholders. We also drafted surveys to help track impact over time and built a resource library that will be used to create presentations and educate stakeholders.

The Impact

TREAD is now positioned to bolster and track long-term connectivity among Outdoor Recreation Collaboratives (ORCs) and statewide stakeholders. As it embarks on this ambitious statewide launch, TREAD also anticipates more successful collaborations and better funding for outdoor recreation projects.


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