Townshend Cellar

Townshend's mission, "Positive Impact Wine," is not just a nice sentiment. They've earned this label through their dedication to community impact and environmental responsibility.

The Need

Townshend Cellar, a family owned and operated Spokane winery, felt called to create a greater positive impact in the community, for their staff, and for the environment - to create “positive impact wine.” They wanted a sustainability partner, a dedicated expert focused on all aspects of their operation to guide them through this process.

The Work

Townshend had numerous ideas for new projects and wasn’t sure where to start. For instance, they considered switching from corks to screw caps. We researched the social and environmental benefits and drawbacks of each option. Learning that screw caps aren’t recyclable and cork provides high-paying jobs, Townshend could make a more informed decision.

Pressing grapes creates some liquid waste and Townshend wanted to consider options for managing the liquid and water from cleaning their operations. We looked at local water quality requirements and investigated different options for managing wastewater.

Telling the story of sustainable practices is increasingly important because consumers are continually focusing on the sustainability of products they buy. Townshend wanted to produce an impact report and weren’t sure where to start. We reviewed impact reports across the wine industry and other markets, developed a framework with examples, and then helped Townshend finalize the report before posting it on their website.

Our research allowed Townshend to spend their time focused on making and selling wine.

The Impact

Townshend is now a 1% for the Planet member and committed to donating 2% or more of revenues each year to charitable causes. In one year, their charitable giving not only grew by 7x, it also became more intentional in where they direct their giving. They now support organizations that align directly with their mission, allowing them to scale their impact by supporting just a few organizations. In the same time period, their waste diversion rate increased by 5% and their carbon emissions decreased by an amazing 12%. They are now able to track impacts in each segment of their business, from employees, to suppliers, to customers, and realize progress each year.

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