Hightower Furniture

The Need

Hightower hand-produces commercial and office furniture in North Carolina. They are committed to creating non-toxic and sustainable furniture that contributes to healthy spaces. Hightower has been mapping their supply chain, continuing to provide more benefits and higher wages for workers, and certifying more of their products under non-toxic labels. These efforts and more have built a credible sustainability program for Hightower. Now they are ready to share it widely.

The Work

Measuring their progress for different stakeholder groups was the first step. We looked at their governance and employee policies, the environmental impact of their supply chain, and their customer service resources. We worked alongside their sustainability team to create a roadmap for continued impact. Hightower’s dedicated sustainability resources and robust stakeholder engagement significantly aided this process.

The Impact

Hightower is now committed to greater environmental sustainability and social responsibility. Using the B Corp Framework, Hightower can continue to benchmark their progress beyond our engagement together. They now have a clear sustainability story to inspire their customers.

